

POS order to quotation in Odoo 9

Odoo 9 community does not have a button to generate from the POS (Point of Sale) Order a quotation (Sales Order), here is the following code of my module pos_2_so. Folders arborescence will have as sub folders :  model, view, static, ref the print screen : We will start by adding a new button on the interface of the pos, in the folder static/src/xml/, we create a new file named pos_2_so.xml. Bellow is its QWeb xml code : This portion of code creates a template named pos2sopad which include only a button : We need to set a placeholder by adding …

Start stunnel on Mac OS X Sierra startup

This file will start automatically sTunnel daemon on your Mac Os Sierra computer. sudo vi /Library/LaunchDaemons/macports.stunnel.plist for more information concerning sTunnel, OpenVPN setup please read this post: Make OpenVPN stealthy with stunnel on Mac OS and Debian

Edit PDF header – Odoo 11

Edit the format of the address By default with the localization i set for my company, addresses are displayed like this picture bellow: First, you need to enable developper mode through settings, and go to the menu contact -> Configuration -> localization -> countries. Select the country you set on your company settings and click edit. Edit and change the format as your convenience. And here the result.   Edit the format of header/footer Settings are available through the menu: Settings -> General settings -> Document template section: You will be able to customize logo, text position here, click edit …

Odoo – Redirect user to a page in python

This code bellow will redirect the user to customer invoice page, you will be able to set the model you would like to use with res_model and the id of the record in res_id, the view template in views, target can have new or self value. new value will open a popup and display the requested page, self will load the page in the current window.